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Traditional, square design and optimized for general purpose, dressage and show jumping styles: youll love Mattes numnahs, for their super premium quality lambskin and the soft lambskin trim. Hard-wearing quilted fabric, SADDLE-FIX, CORRECTIONand SPINEFREEsystems.


  • MATTES uses high quality cotton/polyester blend quilted fabric.
  • Mattes SPINEFREE design reliably prevents any pressure around the withers and spine. The secure SADDLE-FIX system allows the top seam of the saddle pad to be attached comfortably in the gullet of the saddle.
  • The core of the saddle pad is made of two layers: POLY-FLEX (a deep-needled polyester felt) is used to maintain the shape and spread the pressure, while polyester wadding provides padding. Foam, neoprene and gel are completely avoided, making the whole pad breathable.


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